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Annual Review 2023 – submission extension

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Would you like to contribute to the BABAO 2023 Annual Review? Submission has been extended until 26th January 2024!

We would all like to hear updates about your work, your departments, students, and projects. Please contribute and help celebrate all of the activities and achievements within our BABAO community during the past year.

Please send all your contributions to Dr Veronica Tamorri, BABAO Annual Review Editor, at

The organisation of the Review will be the same as previous years, so please consider contributing to the following:

  • Association News: anything related to BABAO that you would like to share.
  • People: new people, jobs etc.
  • News and Project Outlines: do you have any new projects to publicise? How are longer-term projects progressing?
  • Department Reports: please update us about research, post-graduate students (Masters and PhDs), new staff and anything else that you think would be of interest. We would like every department in which our members are active to be represented. We are also interested in hearing how university departments, museums and commercial units in which our members are based, are operating in the online environment: does your department have an online presence? Tell us about it! How do you, your staff or students utilise social media to engage, explore or promote our field and/or your work? Share your experiences!
  • PhD Abstracts: please send abstracts of recently submitted PhDs (of c.250 words). If any new or current PhD students would like to share their work, please send a short summary (also c.250 words).
  • Excavation and Contract Work: please update us about sites that have been excavated and/or published in the last year. Also in this case, we are interested to hear how excavators, contractors and units are operating in the online environment. Please share your experiences!
  • Conference Reports: if you have been to a conference and would like to review it, please get in touch. We are happy to present one review per conference.
  • Forthcoming Conferences: short announcements please.
  • Members’ Publications: please use the same format as in previous years.

To keep the Annual Review to a reasonable length, contributions from University Departments and Units should be kept to a maximum of two pages of A4.

Publications, PhD abstracts and small ‘news’ items are excluded from this limit, as are any specific project updates that you would like to be included in the ‘project updates’ section.

In order to facilitate the editing process, please ensure you do the following:

  • Submit contributions in Times New Roman, font size 12, with titles in bold.
  • Avoid using any auto-formatting (for example Heading styles).
  • Do not include tables in your contributions as these are not compatible with the two-column format.
  • Include your name and the name of your organisation (if relevant) in the filename of the documents you submit.