23rd Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
Dates: 16-18th September 2022
Location: Online
Call For Papers
The call for abstracts is now OPEN! Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and can be submitted until 6pm on Monday, August 1st.
The BABAO Trustees are delighted to host an online conference this September, from Saturday, Sept. 17th, to Sunday, Sept. 18th, with online social events on Friday evening.
There will be a keynote speaker each day, followed by morning and afternoon sessions of online podium presenters. The podium presentations are 10 minutes, one after another, with a 20-minute question period for all speakers at the end. Poster sessions will run both days, as will an online social platform, which will begin on the Friday evening.
The conference is open to non-members, but we recommend that it is only attended by those over 18 years old, to ensure that the association can meet its code of conduct and safeguarding policy.
For any submissions, enquiries or concerns, please e-mail Giselle Király (g.kiraly@wessexarch.co.uk).