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BABAO Honorary Lifetime Membership 2023

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The Trustees are very pleased to welcome Dr Damien Huffer, The University of Queensland, Australia, as a BABAO Honorary Member in recognition of the generous support and invaluable assistance that he has given to BABAO’s Sale of Human Remains Sub Group in responding to the complex and challenging issues of the trading and global traffic in human remains.

We are delighted to welcome Dr Huffer as an Honorary Lifetime Member. Dr Huffer has been instrumental in raising public awareness, is at the forefront of developing new digital methods dealing with online trafficking and striving with BABAO to initiate change.

Damien Huffer is an Honourary Research Associate in the School of Social Science, University of Queensland as well as an Honourary Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of History, Carleton University.

He has worked in research, teaching, and public outreach contexts in academic and museum contexts, and as a heritage advisor/consultant for cultural heritage management companies in Queensland, New South Wales, and Arizona (USA). He is a co-founder of The Alliance to Counter Crime Online (@CounteringCrime).

His research interests include forensic anthropology, cybercriminology, heritage crime (especially the online antiquities and human remains trades), AI/Machine Learning method and ethics and cultural heritage law. He tweets @DamienHuffer and is on Mastodon and Bluesky.

He is a co-author, with Professor Shawn Graham, Dept of History, Carleton University, of These Were People Once: The Online Trade in Human Remains and Why It Matters (Berghahn Books).