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BABAO Poster Hub

Every year BABAO Annual Conferences gather professionals and students from all areas of biological anthropology and osteoarchaeology. We want to showcase the amazing research done by our community by sharing here some of the poster presentations!

Find the poster presentations to the 24th Annual Conference at UCL’s Institute of Archaeology here! Click on the image to expand the poster in a new tab, where you will be able to download it. Posters are presented in alphabetical order of the first author’s surname.

Small image of Carvalho et al poster to use as inline image

Investigating a Rural Transylvanian Village Cemetery Through the lens of an Osteography

Carlos S. Carvalho, Katie Zejdlik, Jonathan D. Bethard & Zsolt Nyárádi

Small image

The Urban Sea: Cribra Orbitalia, Porotic Hyperostosis, Linear Enamel Hypoplasia, and Sinusitis in three diachronic urban sites from the Dutch province of Zeeland (1030-1800 CE)

Maia Casna & Sarah A. Schrader
(Leiden University)

The use of human remains as a pedagogic aid in the teaching of forensic science in higher education: Do transparency issues in undergraduate course listings mean students have different learning experiences?

Georgina Goodison & Christopher Aris
(Keele University)

Are We There Yet? Can We Accurately and Reliably Estimate Juvenile Sex from The Pelvis and Mandible?

Max Goodman

An ancient Nubian neoplasm? Possible metastatic carcinoma from 2500-2050 BCE, Sudan

Rachael A. Hall & Sarah A. Schrader
(Leiden University)

Child Health and Mortality: A Comparative Study of Middle and Late Anglo-Saxon Communities in the Midlands

Caitlin Hendrie & Malin Holst
(University of York)

Consumption by the sea: Patterns of tuberculosis in 19th century Royal Navy sailors

Aikaterini Kouloumenta & Kori Lea Filipek
(University of Derby)

Interpretation of gunshot wound distribution in judicial and extrajudicial executions from the Spanish Civil War

Vasiliki Louka
(University of Leicester)

Current Practice and the Validity of Stature Estimation within the United Kingdom and Ireland

Claire McIntosh, Julieta Gomez Garcia-Donas & Helen Langstaff
(University of Dundee)

Bone quality on the polder: DEXA Analysis of Bone Mineral Density in Post-Medeival Netherlands

Sarah Schrader (Leiden University), Petra Dibbets-Schneider & Elizabeth Winter (Leiden University Medical Center)

A recipe for boreholes: How experimental colony overcrowding in Dermestes haemorrhoidalis drives the transition of bone from food source to shelter substrate

Sarah E. Seeley
(Durham University)

Craniomandibular morphology and dental health: A geometric morphometric study from post-Medieval Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford

Ellie Terpstra
(Durham University)

Where are they now? The question of the Norton Disney skeletons

Samantha Tipper & Richard Parker
(Anglia Ruskin University)

The Lady in the Lead Coffin from Brough

Samantha Tipper (Anglia Ruskin University) & Kevin Winter (Newark County Council)

Intestinal Parasites from Hubei archaeological sites of Early China (5th Century BCE to 3rd Century AD)

Zhan Xiaoya (Nanyang Technological University), Zhou Mi (Hubei Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology), Zhang Qun (Wuhan University) & Yeh Hui-Yuan (Nanyang Technological University)

All authors have given their consent for their work to be publicly displayed on our website. All information in the posters is the sole responsability of the authors, who retain the copyright of their work.