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BABAO Annual Conference 2025

The 26th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology will be hosted by the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester

The main conference will take place on Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th of September. There will also be a number of optional workshops free for BABAO members and conference attendees on Thursday the 18th of September. These workshops aim to address current themes, methods, and issues relevant to the discipline. The conference website will be updated soon with more information on the workshops.

This year the session themes will be decided by the abstracts submitted. The call is open for posters and papers in any topics related to Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology from any career level. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Commercial archaeology
  • Forensic Anthropology
  • Museums and curation
  • Dental anthropology
  • Palaeopathology*
  • Palaeoanthropology
  • Biomolecular archaeology
  • Digital archaeology
  • Zooarchaeology

* Please note, palaeopathological case studies focussing on one or two individuals will only be accepted in poster format.

Join the University of Leicester Team at BABAO 2025!

Sarah Inskip and Anna Davies-Barrett
Conference Lead Organisers

Jo Appleby, Richard Thomas, Alvaro Ortega González, Judith López Aceves, Alette Blom, Elliot Elliott, Taylor Peacock, Vassilina Louka, Ben Donnelly-Symes, and Emma Tollefsen
Conference Team