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BABAO EDI Seminar Series
BABAO is keen to support EDI initiatives within bioarchaeology and biological anthropology to encourage reflective critical thinking, open discussion, resource development and actioning.
BABAO holds seminars in applied bioarchaeology to explore where theory meets practice to examine ethics, diversity issues, future strategies and more. Researchers, students and practitioners come together for lively discussions, sharing their every day work and research experiences.
The debates highlight the possibilities and limitations of applying bio-archaeological and -anthropological theories to practical applications, highlighting current issues and considerations that need to be taken into account to formulate best working practices.
Watch and explore our EDI Seminars below:
Seminar 1: Approaching Diversity
Methods for, Thoughts on and Critique of Ancestry Estimation and Population Affinity within the spheres of British Archaeology and Forensic Anthropology.
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We would love to hear from you if you would like to hold an event or an educational activity, help out with an outreach programme or if you would like to give a talk to our members. We also always welcome any contributions to our newsletter. We have a wide-ranging field of interest, from funerary archaeology, cemetery talks and walks, local archaeological sites, history of medicine, human evolution, forensic archaeology and radiology and more!