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Volunteer for BABAO
BABAO is an active supporter of public engagement programmes and events in archaeology. We aim to promote the benefit of the scientific study of human remains from archaeological sites to the education sector and the wider public as part of promoting our shared heritage as individuals living in the UK.

As human skeletal remains from archaeological sites very often form our only source of knowledge about people living in the past, learning about what osteoarchaeologists do and how they can use the skeleton to assess scientific evidence for age, biological sex, stature, dental and skeletal diseases is a rewarding hands-on way to engage and experience our own histories – and it is also fun to learn!
We attend events such as London Anthropology Day, the British Science Festival and the York Festival of Ideas where people can come and handle skeletal models to learn basic bone anatomy as well as chat to a qualified member of the BABAO team to find out about study and careers in osteology and forensic anthropology. More recently, we have begun to develop some exciting online events and Key Stage linked teaching resources that can be accessed anytime.
We also have a regular monthly newsletter to keep our members in the loop with the latest podcasts, online exhibitions and talks, new and favourite books and our own latest news, of course!
Get involved!
Would you like to get involved with any of our events? We would love to hear from you if you would like to hold an event or an educational activity, help out with an outreach programme or if you would like to give a talk to our members. We also always welcome any contributions to our newsletter. We have a wide-ranging field of interest, from funerary archaeology, cemetery talks and walks, local archaeological sites, history of medicine, human evolution, forensic archaeology and radiology and more!
Do you have any ideas for our teaching programmes? Have you recently written a book or carried out some research you think our members would like to hear about? Contact us!