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BABAO Prizes
Each year, BABAO awards two prizes to students during the BABAO Annual Conference
The Jane Moore Prize
The prize awarded at the BABAO annual conference for the best student podium presentation is given in memory of Jane Moore. Jane was a BABAO member who sadly died in March 2004.
The Bill White Prize
The prize awarded at the BABAO annual conference for the best student poster presentation is given in memory of Bill White. Bill was a wonderful BABAO member who sadly died in 2011.
For a list of previous winners for the conference presentation and poster please refer to their respective conference.
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Hannah Vogel (Macquarie University), "Collaboration or Collision? Challenging ableism through Critical Disability Studies and Bioarchaeology".
Bill White Poster PrizeKaterina Kouloumenta (& Andrew Millard, Durham University), "C5: An Evaluation of Trotter’s Tibia Regression Formula: Was the Medial Malleolus Included?".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Veronica Pace (& Maia Casna, Sarah A. Schrader) "Imaging for Headache: Using CT Scans to Diagnose Chronic Frontal Sinusitis in a Dutch Post-Medieval Rural Community (AD 1829- 1866)".
Veronica Jackson (& Rachél Spros, Barbara Veselka, Steven Provyn, Philippe Claeys, Christophe Snoeck, Bart Lambert) "The Presence of a Possible Intersex Individual in a Medieval Sample from Ypres, Belgium".
Emma Jade Bonthorne "Recovery and Analysis of Highly Commingled Remains from the Silo de Carlomagno, Roncesvalles (Navarra, Spain)".
Bill White Poster PrizeZaira García-López (& Antonio Martínez Cortizas, Olalla López Costas) "Necrosol: Formation and Value as Soil Archive".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Maia Casna (& Sarah A. Schrader) "Being in the city: a bioarchaeological approach to socioeconomic status, stress markers, and sinusitis in three early-modern Dutch towns (1626-1850 AD)".
Marion Davidson (& Carolyn Rando, Ruth Morgan) "A Survey of Ancestry Estimation Method Preferences and Utilisation in Forensic Anthropology".
Bill White Poster Prize Carina Phillips (& Wendy Birch, Tim Littlewood, Helen Chatterjee) "Museum catalogue records, how accurate are they really? A case study on the dry specimens from the Osman Hill Collection".
Mandi Curtis (& Hannah Koon, Andrew Wilson, Julia Beaumont) "Anabolic and Catabolic Indicators in Dentine Collagen Isotope Values from Medieval, Post-Medieval, and Modern Individuals".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Yuka Shichiza (University of York) "The repatriation of Ainu human remains: the role of archaeologists and anthropologists".
Daniela Tumler (& Alice Paladin, Albert Zink, Institute of Mummy Studies & Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) "Multiple perimortem sharp force trauma in an individual from the early medieval cemetery of Säben-Sabiona in South Tyrol, Italy".
Bill White Poster PrizeAlice Rose (& Sarah Inskip, Tamsin O'Connell, Mary Price, John Robb), (University of Cambridge) "Investigating lifecourses in medieval Cambridge through multi-tissue dietary isotope analysis".
Maia Casna (& Sarah Schrader, Carla Burrell, Rachel Schats, Menno Hoogland) (Leiden University "A bioarchaeological study of chronic maxillary sinusitis and respiratory health in two post-medieval populations from the Netherlands".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Anna Bloxam (University College London) "Diversity and dis/continuities: investigating burial practices across the British Beaker period".
Ryan Austin (University of Lincoln) "Identifying the Missing: utilising strontium isotopes for geolocation; finding the Voice for Guatemala's forgotten".
Bill White Poster PrizeEmma Saunders (& Nicholas Márquez-Grant, Peter Zioupos) (Cranfield University) "Exploring the association between Cam morphology, occupational activity and non-metric traits of the femur".
Hannah McGiven (& Charlene Greenwood, Elena Kranioti, Nicholas Márquez-Grant, Peter Zioupos) (Cranfield University) "The application of micro-computer tomography and nanoindentation to quantify the micro-architectural and mechanical changes to the clavicle with age".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Sarah-Louise Decrausaz (& Jane Williams, Mary Fewtrell, Megan Shirley, Jay Stock, Jonathan Wells, University of Cambridge) "Hard tissue, soft tissue: An examination of the associations between body composition and pelvic dimensions in girls and women living in London".
Ana Curto (& Teresa Fernandes, Anne-France Maurer, Cristina Dias, Geraldine Fahy, University of Kent) "Stable isotope dietary comparison between apparently healthy individuals and those affected by infectious pathologies from medieval Tomar, Portugal".
Bill White Poster PrizeChris Aris (& Chris Deter, Patrick Mahoney, University of Kent) "First histological evidence for a change in tooth enamel growth rates in ancient Britain".
Anna Davis-Barrett (& Charlotte Roberts, Daniel Antoine, Durham University) "A new method for recording and presenting the true prevalence of rib lesions related to respiratory disease".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Simon Chapple (& Patrick Mahoney, University of Kent) "Tooth enamel biorhythm corresponds with modern human adult stature and body mass".
Felicia Fricke (University of Kent) "Osteology in the Caribbean: Ethical, Theoretical, and Practical Considerations".
Bill White Poster PrizeAnna Barrett (& Pia Nystrom, University of Sheffield/Durham University/The British Museum) "Why water matters: Investigating the effects of site hydrology on the diagenetic alteration of bone".
Kayla Crowder (& Janet Montgomery, Darren Grocke, Kori Filipek-Ogden, Durham University) "Lesions and isotopes: an integrated study of childhood metabolic stress and stable isotope life histories in the Kingdom of the Gepids".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
Lukas Waltenberger (Bornemouth University) "Stabbed and Burnt - Reliability of Cut Marks".
Bill White Poster PrizeEóin Parkinson (FRAGSUS, Queen's University Belfast) "The Brochtorff-Xaghra Circle Digitising Project".
Ruth O'Donoghue (University of Bradford) "An Evaluation of Isotopic Information Provided by Subadult Teeth in 19th Century London Populations".
Bill White Poster Prize
Jane Moore Podium Prize
A. Jay van der Reijden (University College London) "A renewed classification system for cultural dental modification".
Maria Lahtinen (Durham University) "Use of aquatic resources in the Bothnian Bay, North Baltic Sea – A case study of the Iin Hamina".
Bill White Poster PrizeAlison Atkin (University of Sheffield) "The attritional mortality myth: A catastrophic error with demography".
Jenna Dittmar (& Piers M. Mitchell, University of Cambridge) "New criteria for identifying and differentiating human dissection and autopsy in archaeological assemblages".
Bill White Poster Prize
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