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Diversify Your Knowledge
Resources for diversify your reading, research and knowledge to decolonise curricula.
- Athreya, S. 2019. “But you’re not a real minority”: the marginalising Asian voices in palaeoanthropology. American Anthropologist 121 (2): 472-74.
- Bader, A. C. and Malhi, R. S. 2019. How Subjectivity Strengthens Research: Developing an Integrative Approach to Investigating Human Diet in the Pacific Northwest Coast. American Anthropologist 121 (2): 476-78.
- Todd, Z. 2016. An Indigenous Feminist’s Take On The Ontological Turn: ‘Ontology’ Is Just Another Word For Colonialism. Journal of Historical Sociology 29 (1): 4-22.
- The Black Bio Anth spreadsheet. A collection of papers written by Black scholars, collated by Tisa Loewen.
- McLean, Shay-Akil. Decolonise ALL the Things: The Unsettling reflections of a Decolonial Scientist.
- Hidalgo Tan, N. The South East Asian Archaeology Blog, especially resources for South East Asian Archaeology
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