This fantastic event was hosted by the Durham University and ran from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th September 2014.
Place: Science Site, Durham University, South Road, Durham City, DH1 3LE
Date: Friday 12th to Sunday 14th September 2014
Organisers: Prof. Charlotte Roberts, Dr. Janet Montgomery, Dr. Andrew Millard, Dr. Becky Gowland, Dr. Tina Jakob and Dr. Anwen Caffell
Host Department: Department of Archaeology
- The Body and Society: Past Perspectives on the Present. Keynote speaker: Dr. Pamela Geller, Department of Anthropology, University of Miami, USA.
- Biological Anthropology and Infectious Disease: New Developments in Understanding from Bioarchaeology, Palaeoanthropology, Primatology, and Archaeozoology. Keynote speaker: Prof. Niels Lynnerup, M.D., Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- New Developments in Biomolecular Methods. Keynote speaker: Prof. Matthew Collins, Department of Archaeology, University of York, UK.
- Open.