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BABAO Annual Conference 2021

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Banner for BABAO Annual Conference 2021 at Teeside University

22nd Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology

NOTICE: As of April 28, 2020, the decision was made to hold the next Annual Conference in 2021 instead of 2020. The conference will be a fully online event with virtual setups. Please read the letter to the membership, and visit this FAQ page for information and thoughts from the Board regarding the COVID-19 situation. We are staying updated on the latest information and will update this page and the FAQ regularly.

BABAO provides a forum for discussion and intellectual exchange for professionals and students in all areas of biological anthropology.

Dates: 17-19th September 2021

Location: Teesside University

Registration is now open

The programme for the conference can be found here

Call For Papers

The call for abstracts is now closed! Abstracts should be no longer than 250 and submitted up until the end of Friday 23rd July.

Teesside University is delighted to be able to host the event when it does take place, and very much look forward to welcoming you. We expect to have podium sessions on a Friday afternoon, Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday morning. Podium presentations will run for 15 minutes, followed by a few minutes for questions. Poster sessions are likely to run on the Saturday and Sunday. In keeping with the theme of celebrating the Tees Valley and the north-east during the conference, we will have sessions specifically focused on The EnvironmentIndustry & Industrialisation, and Migrants & Migration.

Those with any enquiries or concerns should e-mail Prof Tim Thompson (t.thompson[at]


The applications are not yet open for next year’s conference bursaries. However, keep your eyes peeled on this page for updates.

BABAO offers 10 bursaries from our organisation’s funds that will cover the full cost of conference fees for members experiencing difficult financial circumstances. The 10 bursaries are available to BABAO members presenting their research in either a poster or podium presentation.

Five of the bursaries are available to student members, unwaged members, members working in the commercial sector or members working for a museum that does not provide any funds for conference attendance.

The other five bursaries have been ring-fenced for unwaged members, members working in the commercial sector or members working for a museum that does not provide any funds for conference attendance. All information associated will your application will be stored anonymously for the purposes of financial reporting for a maximum of 7 years.