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BABAO Annual Conference 2024
The theme for BABAO’s 25th Annual Conference was ´Celebrating Interdisciplinarity Collaboration and Inclusion‘
6-8 September 2024
Keele Hall, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK
Find all the information regarding the sessions on this year’s conference here. Please visit their website for more information about abstract submissions and registration, conference programme, accommodation, and much more!
Abstract details
Abstract submissions can be made for either Talk or Poster presentations, these must be 250 words max and include a title, a list of all authors with lead author and speaker clearly highlighted, email contact details for the lead author, and name of the session you wish to be considered for. For Poster submissions authors also need to indicate their preferences for poster pdf availability via the BABAO website (member’s area only, public access, or both).
Abstract deadlines:
- Abstract submissions for Talk and Poster presentations will open on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 09:00am (GMT) and close Monday 1st July 2024 23:59pm (GMT).
- Show and Tell submissions: If you have something you would like to enter into the Show and Tell, submissions containing a brief description of the item/s, any requirements for its display, and email contact details can be made. Submissions for the Show and Tell will open on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 09:00am (GMT) and close Sunday 3rd August 2024 00:00am (GMT).
Talk sessions
1) Open – Early Career
Remit: This session is an open session to celebrate the work of early career people. We therefore welcome submissions on any topic that falls under the remit of BABAO from undergraduate/postgraduate students, those on studentships/internships, trainees, or academics/professionals/practitioners who are within 3 years of their first independent post.
Style: Oral presentation (15 min slots; 10 mins per presentation with 5 mins for questions)
Submission criteria: The lead author and speaker must be early career at the time of submission.
When: Saturday
2) Commercial Archaeology
Remit: This session is dedicated to the fascinating world of commercial archaeology. We therefore welcome submissions on any projects, sites, collections, etc. that you feel are of particular interest or importance. These projects/submissions may be collaborative in nature
but should include non-academic collaborators with the lead author being the commercial member of the team.
Style: Oral presentation (15 min slots; 10 mins per presentation with 5 mins for questions)
Submission criteria: The lead author and speaker must be or have been the commercial practitioner on the project.
When: Saturday
3) Dental
Remit: This session is for all things toothy! We welcome submissions on any kind of work related to dental tissues in any respect. Collaborative and interdisciplinary projects are welcome/encouraged, but the focus of the talk itself should be the dental analyses or interpretations etc.
Style: Oral presentation (15 min slots; 10 mins per presentation with 5 mins for questions)
Submission criteria: Open to everyone.
When: Sunday
4) Virtual
Remit: This session is for all things virtual! We welcome submissions on any kind of work that includes virtual techniques or analyses. This includes 3D imaging, 3D modelling, 3D printing, and/or XR. Collaborative and interdisciplinary projects are welcome/encouraged, but the focus of the talk itself should be the virtual aspect of the project.
Style: Oral presentation (15 min slots; 10 mins per presentation with 5 mins for questions)
Submission criteria: Open to everyone.
When: Sunday
5) Open – Pecha Kucha style
Remit: This session is an open session. We therefore welcome submissions on any topic that falls under the remit of BABAO with only one catch…and that’s speed! ‘Pecha Kucha’, meaning ‘chit-chat’ in Japanese, is a style of presentation where the emphasis is put on storytelling. Presenters are encouraged to ‘talk less, show more’ with more image/visual based slides. Traditionally, the Pecha Kucha format follows the 20×20 rule whereby 20 images are set to change/progress every 20 seconds, giving a total of 400 seconds to tell your story in a dynamic, streamlined way with only visuals guiding the way. We are moderating the format slightly to run by the rule of 15; 15 slides, 15 seconds per slide, and only a maximum of 15 words per slide.
Style: Oral presentation (7 min slots; ~4 mins per presentation with 3 mins for questions)
Submission criteria: Open to everyone.
When: Sunday
Poster sessions
Open – Early Career
Remit: This session is an open session to celebrate the work of early career people. We therefore welcome submissions on any topic that falls under the remit of BABAO from undergraduate/postgraduate students, those on studentships/internships, trainees, or academics/professionals/practitioners who are within 3 years of their first independent post.
Style: A1 Portrait poster presentation
Submission criteria: The lead author and speaker must be early career at the time of submission.
When: Present on Saturday (but stay up all weekend)
Remit: This session is an open session. We therefore welcome submissions on any topic that falls under the remit of BABAO.
Style: A1 Portrait poster presentation
Submission criteria: Open to everyone.
When: Present on Sunday (but stay up all weekend)
Show and Tell
Remit: This year, we are hosting a section dedicated to the wonders and mysteries of osteoarchaeology. So, if you have any findings, items, images, data etc. etc. that are puzzling, intriguing, or simply bizarre that you think could benefit from the collective hive mind of the BABAO membership, then bring it along to show and tell.
Style: The format for this ‘event’/’section’ will be similar to that of the poster session, but instead of a poster you can pin up a photograph and/or description along with any particular questions or input you would like from other attendees. Post-it notes and pens will be provided for contributions!
When: Saturday & Sunday
Join the Keele University Team at BABAO 2024!
Dr Amber Collings (she/they) and Dr Chris Aris (he/they)
Conference Organisers & Hosts
Catherine Roberts, Charlotte Loy, Olga Nechyparenka and Saskia Caddell
Conference team