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Welcome new Trustees!

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We wish to extend a very warm welcome to our new Trustees! Becoming a BABAO Trustee is an opportunity to become more engaged in the fields of biological anthropology and osteoarchaeology in the UK, working to steer and support our community.

Each trustee must complete an induction process, which includes completing accredited online training in: Role of a Management Committee; Equality and Diversity; and GDPR and Confidentiality. They will be given a hand-over document, written by their predecessor, which must be maintained and updated throughout their tenure. The trustees typically meet four times a year (within the UK), with at least one of these meetings being in-person, the rest are virtual. All trustee business uses our Google Drive. Trustee activities and behaviours must comply with our Standard Operating Procedures and policies (e.g. GDPR).

Get to know our new Trustees, Adelina, Maia and Kirsty, here!

Representative from a Professional Organisation: Adelina Teoaca

Adelina joined the Canterbury Archaeological Trust in 2015 as a field archaeologist and currently serves as the Finds and Archive Manager, as well as the resident osteoarchaeologist. Her research focuses on the osteobiographies of individuals from Canterbury and Kent, specifically from the Late Roman to the Early Anglo-Saxon transition period. She is a strong supporter of a fully interdisciplinary approach to archaeology and believe that collaboration is the key to valuable research. She is also a strong proponent of a healthy work-life balance. Therefore, while she does respond to emails outside of regular work hours, you might find her doing so while gardening with her cat or collecting sea glass on the beach.

The Representative from a Professional Organisation will take up their post immediately.

Grants Secretary: Maia Casna

Maia is currently finishing her PhD at Leiden University in the Netherlands, where she studies respiratory disease in relation to urbanization processes in the Medieval and Post-medieval periods. Whenever she’s not working, she loves spending time outdoors! Maia loves camping, trekking, and climbing— She’s a big, big fan of mountains! 

The Grants Secretary will take up their position at the Annual General Meeting in September 2024.

Want to be part of BABAO’s Board of Trustees? We are looking for an Outreach Officer. Nominations will open soon!